What a woman should know before embarking on infertility treatment
According to a new study, any type of infertility treatment increases the risk of pregnancy complications. Dr. Hayashi of Nippon Medical School, Tokyo and colleagues published the results of a large study online on July 3 in the journal Fertility and Sterility
The researchers compared obstetric and perinatal outcomes of singleton pregnancies conceived with different types of assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures with those of naturally conceived pregnancies.
They reviewed data on more than 242,000 women; they identified 4,111 who received ovulation stimulation medications such as clomiphene citrate (Clomid), 2,351 who underwent intrauterine insemination (IUI) without ovulation stimulation medications, and 4,570 who underwent in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET).
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by Kelly James-Enger and Jill S. Browning
-- Infertility is a mind-set and that every woman who experiences infertility is forever changed, even when she eventually has the child she yearned for.
When many women who have gone through fertility treatments describe their experience, they say it
abused their soul.
The experience may have also hurt their relationship with their husband and sometimes permanently altered relationships with their extended families.
Studies show that even after the desperation of infertility subsides, emotional wounds still fester and an asterisk accompanies her bundle of joy.

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Category: ART, Clomid, infertility, IUI, IVF, IVF-ET, pregnancy