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Fish Oil During Pregnancy Boosts Baby’s Hand-Eye Coordination

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Monday, January 08, 2018 | 0 comments

Image: Holding her treasure, by Ms Burrows, on Flickr
Photo credit: Holding her treasure, by Ms Burrows
Researchers have discovered that pregnant women who take fish oil supplements may be boosting the hand-eye coordination of their babies once they reach toddlerhood.

In the study 98 women were given either fish or olive oil supplements daily from 20 weeks gestation to the birth of their babies.

Once their children had reached two and half years of age, their language, behavior, reasoning skills and hand-eye coordination was assessed.

Although there were no marked differences in language, the study did find that there were significant differences in hand-eye coordination, with the children born of mothers taking fish oil supplements scoring higher than those born of mothers taking olive oil supplements.

These scores even held up when influencing factors such as the mother’s age and duration of breastfeeding were taken into account.

Image: Infertility Journeys: Finding Your Happy Ending, by Lesley Vance. Publisher: Duck Hill Press (May 18, 2011)Infertility Journeys: Finding Your Happy Ending
by Lesley Vance

-- Tells the family-building journeys of eighteen couples who struggle with infertility and how they find their happy endings.

Written with honesty, humor, and compassion, Infertility Journeys weaves the stories of women and men together with a wealth of information about fertility treatments, and the emotional struggles couples experience.

The book offers hope, encouragement, and inspiration, helping women and men to process unmet expectations and to navigate their family-building options. Overflowing with ideas and suggestions.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 186 pages
Click to order/for more info: Infertility Journeys

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About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost that precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted that there will be no more babies in our house.

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