Smoking Damages Uterus & Fertility
Heavy smoking may lower the chances of embryo implantation in the uterus, according to a new study.
While it’s long been known that smoking impairs the ovaries, new research is suggesting that it may also have an impact on the uterine receptiveness.
The study is published online by the journal Human Reproduction.
Lead researcher Dr Sergio Soares said: "The fact that we see this result in a situation in which the oocytes (eggs) were donated by other women demonstrates that cigarette smoking negatively affects the receptiveness of the uterus independently of its effect on ovarian function."
For the study, light smokers were defined as those who smoked fewer than 10 cigarettes a day, with heavy smokers exceeding that level.
Another reason to quit, as if you didn’t have enough.
Stock Photo credit: CELALTEBER
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by Julia Indichova
-- Written by an author whose expertise grew from an extensive counseling practice as well as personal experience.
The Fertile Female offers a hope-filled view of reproductive difficulties, with a deeper understanding of the often-confusing messages of mind-body and alternative medicine.
With an engaging mix of passion and humor the book initiates a public debate on the politics of infertility and its effect on our health care system.
Includes practice exercises and a section on dietary recommendations, complete with recipes.

Click to order/for more info: The Fertile Female
Category: Donor Egg, embryo, implantation, smoking