First fertility clinic to offer new fertility test
The test, which is known as the 'Early Embryo Viability Assessment test' (Eeva), can tell in 48 hours if an embryo is likely to survive and it's up to 85 per cent accurate.
The technology means doctors can put the strongest embryos back into patients’ wombs, therefore increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.
Financial costs of IVF will also be lessened for those who go through repeat cycles.
Professor Charles Kingsland, lead consultant at the Hewitt Fertility Centre and consultant gynaecologist at the Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust, called it 'potentially the biggest breakthrough in IVF in the last 10 years'.
Describing the new test as 'revolutionary', he added: 'You can never predict whether someone will have a healthy baby, but what it can do is predict with 85% accuracy which embryo is likely to result in pregnancy without touching it.'
The test costs £800 for private patients, or less on the NHS if patients will pay for it themselves.
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by James Schwartz
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Category: eeva, embryo, embryo transfer, IVF, IVF-ET, pregnancy