Women using fake tan risk infertility
A “cocktail” of chemicals in bestselling lotions may pose a risk to a person’s health such as fertility problems, birth defects and even cancer, experts said.
Dangerous ingredients can also include hormone-disrupting compounds – which can harm babies – as well as carcinogens including formaldehyde and nitrosamines.
The increased use of fake-tan products can also have skin irritants and chemicals linked to allergies, diabetes, obesity and fertility problems.
Officials warned that its potentially dangerous effects were thought to be more worrying than for other cosmetics because it is applied over the whole body regularly.
The active ingredient in fake tanning products is dihydroxyacetone, which reacts with the amino acids on the skin to turn it brown.
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Photo credit: PA - telegraph.co.uk
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by Sylvia Hewlett
-- A survey, undertaken specially for this book, shows that 40% of women earning $50,000 or more a year are childless at age 45.
So why is the age-old business of having babies so very elusive for this generation of high-achieving women?
Why is it that all the new power and prestige does not translate into easier choices on the family front?
It seems that women can be astronauts, CEOs, Secretaries of State, but increasingly, they cannot be mothers.
Sylvia Hewlett's powerful book looks at the hard and disturbing facts and goes on to advocate a new way of approaching the question of motherhood vs. career for a new generation of women.

Click to order/for more info: Creating a Life
Category: birth defects, cancer, diabetes, infertility, obesity