What we gained through infertility
Trying to have our own baby made John and me miserable. Admitting defeat was a heartbreak -- and a revelation.
Since puberty, I’d been telling myself a wonderful story. It starts with the ecstasy of discovering that I’m pregnant, then moves on to feeling the baby kick and placing John’s hand on my belly. He feels it, too. We’re madly in love. I give birth in a hospital, aided by a midwife. No medication, no complications. I’m a champ. And the most fulfilling relationship of my life begins at that moment, when I’m handed my firstborn.
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by Marlo Schalesky
-- Contains frank and emotionally resonate stories from both men and women facing the struggle of infertility.
Mother's Day is not a joyful occasion for all women, particularly those who would like to have children but cannot.
Marlo Schalesky's Empty Womb, Aching Heart: Hope and Help for Those Struggling with Infertility does for Christian women what Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin's Tears of Sorrow, Seeds of Hope: A Jewish Spiritual Companion for Infertility and Pregnancy Loss did for Jewish women: provide comfort and camaraderie in the face of infertility and pregnancy loss.

Click to order/for more info: Empty Womb, Aching Heart

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Category: Adoption, infertility