Antidepressants may cause infertility in males
Antidepressants have become some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the US, especially SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors).
Of course, no medication comes without side effects, and SSRIs have theirs as well. A recently discovered, little-known side effect of SSRIs is their significant impact on men’s fertility.
SSRIs have been found to cut a man's sperm count as well as the normal shape and motility of their sperm by 50 percent. This effect can become evident by the first month after treatment and begins to have a major impact after just three months on an SSRI.
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by Roy Sokol
-- Roy Sokol offers men a chance to be heard and women a rare opportunity to view the struggle with infertility from a male perspective.
Infertility and Adoption: A Husband and Father's Perspective brings to life the frustration, anger, humor, heartbreak, and sense of helplessness and a mental philosophy learned in Marine Corps training that helps in overcoming the psychological barriers.
While miracles in technology have brought joy to new families, those very advances have placed many couples into a spiraling cycle of hope and heartbreak.
One failed attempt may lead to another, but how do you give up when there is always another doctor, another procedure holding the possibility of your dream for a family?
Roy Sokol has captured the emotional turmoil he and his wife, Elizabeth, endured as they tried to conceive, the years their lives were put on hold, and the excruciating sense of loss and finally great happiness.
He writes too of the couple's journey through the bewildering world of adoption - a path to parenthood fraught with financial, legal, and emotional risks of its own.

Click to order/for more info: Infertility and Adoption

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Category: infertility, Male Fertility, sperm