Older Parents' Child: Growing Up Special
When I realized my parents were older than other kids', I felt embarrassed and angry, that they weren't like the parents on TV,
said Rich Simon, a Washington psychotherapist whose parents were in their 40's when he was born.
Because they died fairly young, I became sort of an orphan at a relatively early age.
But Dr. March Enders, a Washington physician who was 47 when her son was born, said: When you are an older parent, you really want your child.
I felt more well defined in my career and had a lot more self-esteem, and, oddly enough, having Tommy has kept us young.
Despite a multitude of studies and headlines about women putting off childbearing until their late 30's and early 40's, surprisingly little attention has been paid to children of older parents.
For many, the emotional texture of their childhoods and their experiences in early adulthood are quite different from those of their peers whose parents are younger.
Photo credit: The Rippys
by Jordan Fischer on Flickr
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My mother had my older sister at 29 and me at 36. My father was 30 and 37 when my older sister, Meralyn and I were born. I remember feeling depressed at 13 but never ashamed of my parents and growing up in the 1950's with my parents being 50 and 51. Back in the day EVERYONE had children in their early 20's, late teens, including all of my family, except my parents. They went through with a lot of miscarriages till they had us. I prepared myself since I was 18 for my parents to pass sooner than everyone else's as mine were so old doctors weren't the "best" back then. Despite the odds, my mom lived an extremely healthy life (very active, even at 90!) only to die at 96, when I turned 60. My father died however, when I was 61. They were never ailing or anything. My sister was 67 and 68 when they died. Needless to say, my parents OUTLIVED all my friends parents, even those whose parents had them as young as 16! They also lived to see their (wait for it..) great GREAT grandchild, Eliza. I'm now a very old woman at the age of 74 and awaiting my 22nd grandchild (I had 7 kids) and my 2nd great grandchild. the age of your parents NEVER defines the age at which you shall lose them.
Catherine, I’ve referred people to your site throughout the years and have been a frequent visitor. Today, it occurred to me that I’ve never posted a comment. Thanks for helping to dispel the misconceptions about getting pregnant in your 40s. You know my story. I married for the first time at age 40. I conceived naturally and gave birth at ages 42 and 44 to two healthy daughters. According to statistics, I “shouldn’t” have found a suitable mate or given birth to healthy children during my 40s!