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Quick Look At The Possible Causes Of Infertility

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Friday, April 27, 2007 | 0 comments

The causes of infertility can be various and involve either just one of the partners, or both of them:

* - Man or woman exposure to DES, a medication taken by their mothers to prevent miscarriage
* - Man's reproductive system problems
* - Woman's fallopian tubes problems
* - Woman's uterus and cervix problems
* - Ovulation problems

Statistics show that 40 percent of the cases of infertility in women are due to their ability to ovulate and other 40 percent are caused by fallopian tubes or pelvic disorders.

In the couples affected by infertility half the cases are caused by woman's dysfunctions of the fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries and one third of the cases are caused by the man's reproductive tract dysfunctions. In the rest of the cases, both the partners contribute to the infertility.

Unusual problems like exposure to DES are found in only five percent of the infertile couples.

Until the age of 30, a woman is most fertile and presents the lowest rate of risks of problems in pregnancy. After that age, her fertility begins to gradually decrease due to her eggs supply aging.

Is abortion a cause for infertility?

Abortion is not linked in any way with endometriosis, an important cause for female infertility.

Endometriosis is more likely to appear in women that have never had children. The endometrium, the tissue that lines inside the uterus, becomes implanted in the fallopian tubes, ovaries or tissue lining the pelvis. This disease can produce scaring, pain and irregularity in menstrual cycles and can affect woman's ability to achieve pregnancy.

Though it very unlikely, an abortion can affect fertility by scarring the endometrium and interfering conception or subsequent pregnancies. The greatest possibility to affect a woman's body is that the abortion may increase the risk of adenomyosis. This disease manifests by extended endometrium into the muscular wall of the uterus. This can cause pain and abnormal bleeding during menstruation cycles. However, adenomyosis does not affect fertility.
The risks increase when:

Both man and woman in a couple may cause infertility. In some cases even, both of their conditions cause it. Some of the factors that may lead to infertility may controlled.

The factors of risk that cannot be controlled are:

* - Congenital birth defects. Problems that either him or her have since birth with their reproductive tract.
* - Infertility rates increase in women with aging:
* * 7% in women aging 20-24
* * 9% in women aging 25-29
* * 15% in women aging 30-34
* * 22% in women aging 35-39
* * 29% in women aging 40-44
* - DES exposure before birth
* - Moderate or severe endometriosis
* - Exposure to highly toxic environmental factors, drugs, or high doses or radiation.
* - STD infections that damaged the reproductive system.

The factors of risk that can be controlled are:

* - Heavy use of tobacco or marijuana, which affects the sperm count and female fertility
* - Polycystic ovary syndrome. Ovulation is interfered by a hormone imbalance.
* - Male infertility and sperm injury can be caused by heavy use of alcohol
* - High frequency or infrequency of ejaculation may lower the sperm count.
* - Frequency of intercourse. The opinions are divided in this matter. Some specialists say that during a woman's ovulation an interval of 36 hours between the intercourses is optimal while others say that daily sex can affect sperm count, yet, they sustain the idea that it increases the overall chances of obtaining pregnancy.
* - Surgical sterilization like vasectomy and tubal ligation. In many cases those procedures can be reversed depending on the method used in the original surgical intervention and the amount of time passed since it was done.
* - Intense physical exercising, for months or years, affects the sperm count and ovulation.
* - High temperature in the scrotal area can damage sperm.

How to prevent infertility

Failure in conceiving a child or in carrying a pregnancy to term has many causes.

There are many cases or combined factors that lead to infertility in a couple, or other cases of incompatibility between 2 fertile partners which called immunological or genetic cause.

Many psychological effects may arise from infertile couples. The partner's anxiousness may ironically lead to sexual dysfunctions. Marital problems can also create infertility in couples especially when they are pressured to make medical decisions. Clinical depression may occur in women who are trying to conceive.

Preventing infertility

Lifestyle and health conditions affect fertility. Protect your fertility by:

* - Don't smoke cigarettes. They reduce sperm count.
* - Don't abuse alcohol. It damages the sperm and eggs.
* - Avoid hormonal imbalance by maintaining you weight in ideal limits for your height.
* - Practice safe sex and with a limited number of partners. STDs that go untreated or undetected may damage your reproductive tract and cause infertility. If you suspect symptoms of STD consult a doctor and treat it. Learn more things about protection against STD.

In case of diagnosed cancer, talk to your doctor about the links between cancer treatments and infertility.

Article Tags: Information, Infertility, Male, Treatment

Author: Ruben Knisely

About the Author:
What is
infertility and male infertility ? Read about infertility treatment

Source: Free Online Articles from



About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost that precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted that there will be no more babies in our house.

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