lists over 8,000 items under the search term "fertility"
2010 - The Year of the BabyDecember 31, 2009 -- One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions for 2010 is to get pregnant – and Pregnancy Health Guru’s New Year’s fertility tips are a great way to improve the odds. So for anyone who has getting pregnant on their New Year's resolution list this year – like Mariah Carey and Fergie – here are some tips to help make 2010 “The Year of the Baby”:

1. Understanding Ovulation Cycles
2. Boosting Fertility
3. Having Sex the “Right” Way
4. Influencing the Baby's Gender
5. Pregnant or Not?

So will 2010 be the year of the baby for Mariah Carey, Fergie, or for you? Only time will tell – but you can increase your chances of getting pregnant by following these tips! For more helpful hints on how to get pregnant, check out more fertility videos at Pregnancy Health Guru.


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Recent Keyword Searches: having kids after 40, how likely am i to get pregnant at 39 years old, how to get pregnant at 40, 41 and i want to get pregnant, can you get pregnant during menopause
Polycystic ovary syndrome is leading cause of infertility in womenCarrie English had her first child when she was 19, with no trouble.

Then a constellation of annoying problems cropped up.

"I had been having a lot of symptoms, which I didn't realize were symptoms," says English, now 31. "The biggest thing is I wasn't getting a period at all for about a year-and-a-half or two years."


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Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: can i get pregnant during menopause, vitamin e for planning to get pregnant, not too old to conceive at 45, can i still get pregnant at 43 years old, pregnant for the first time after 40
Women Are Not Waiting to Seek Infertility HelpMajority of survey respondents were under 35 when they sought treatment

Most American women know that age is an important factor in the success of fertility treatments, finds a new survey of 763 women, aged 18 and older, including 125 women who've had fertility treatment.

The HealthyWomen poll found that 88 percent of respondents were under age 35 when they first sought medical advice about their fertility.


Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: not getting pregnant at 40, pregnant on dhea, how soon can try get pregnant naturally after failed ivf, age limit for women to get pregnant, what age can women have children until
Picture by djayo
I've been working on a new blog template for weeks now, which will dramatically change the look and feel of You Can Get Pregnant Over 40.

Today's the day I am going to add it, and it may be a bit messy till I get everything working just right. Hopefully I will have everything working right by the end of the day.

In the meantime, step carefully, forgive the mess, and enjoy the articles!

UPDATE: The facelift is done, and hopefully everything is working right. Let me know what you think of our new look, and if something isn't working properly, let me know so I can fix it!

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Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!
Miraculous - Neil James-Poole with wife Sarah and their baby Emily. Neil was told he might never be able to have childrenWhen Neil James-Poole was diagnosed with diabetes, he knew the disease put him at greater risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney failure.

But what he wasn’t expecting was that it would mean he might never be able to have children - a problem he didn’t learn of until it was almost too late.


Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: can i get pregant at 49, jonas method calculator, best way to get pregnant at 40, can older women get pregnant?, short follicular phase
Link Between Infertility, Low Egg Reserve, and Breast/ovarian Cancer Gene (BRCA1) SuggestedA New York Medical College physician who specializes in restoring or preserving fertility in female cancer patients has discovered a possible link between the presence of breast cancer genes and infertility.

In a paper published last week in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Kutluk Oktay, M.D., professor of obstetrics and gynecology and principal investigator on the study, concluded that mutations in the BRCA1 gene, which have been linked with early onset breast cancer, are also associated with an early loss of egg reserves. This finding may help to explain why women who carry a mutated BRCA1 gene have greater rates of infertility as well as a greater risk for breast and ovarian cancer.


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Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: naturally pregnant after ivf, supplements to get pregnant, how to get pregnant after 40, is 45 too old for a woman to have a baby?, 40 and childless
FREE INFERTILITY SEMINAR - Fertility Options - IVF and Mind-Body SeminarDuring this free seminar, Dr. Perloe explores issues the diagnosis and treatment of infertility with ovulation induction, insemination and surgery as well as in vitro fertilization. You will learn about age related infertility, fallopian tube obstruction, male infertility, PCOS, endometriosis and use of donor sperm or donor eggs. Mind-Body issues will be discussed by holistic health counselor, nutrition expert and yoga teacher Wendy Brown as well as by Mark Schwartz, L.Ac, who is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture. Learn how you can take a more active role in the fertility process.

Learn how you can afford fertility treatment. Although infertility treatment is not always covered by insurance, GRS offers many unique financial programs including ”Shared-Risk IVF” with a money-back option and the “No-Hidden-Fees IVF” which includes all frozen embryo transfer cycles and a second IVF cycle if necessary.

You will also have the opportunity to tour our state-of-the-art medical facilities, ask any questions you may have related to infertility and IVF and schedule a free, meet & greet with any of the GRS physicians.

Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Time: 7:00 pm.
Location: 5445 Meridian Mark Road, Suite 270, Atlanta, GA 30342

Register online or or 404-843-2229 x 154

For more information about:
Mark Perloe, M.D. - Wendy Brown - Mark Schwartz, L.Ac. 

Image: INFERTILITY Road to Hell and Back: Memoir of my struggle with Infertility, a failed Adoption, a hate for Abortions, and a Marriage that fell apart, by Azelene Williams. Publisher: Azelene Williams (June 13, 2012)-INFERTILITY Road to Hell and Back
by Azelene Williams

-- I love being a woman. To me it is a privilege and there is nothing more satisfying.

I appreciate being honoured and cherished for my femininity - for after all, I am the potential mother of the next generation.

I value my fertility, value the gift of being able to carry a child and become a mother. To me this is the very essence of being a women.

The children we bring into the world are small replicas of ourselves and our husbands; the pride and joy of grandfathers and grandmothers. We dream of being mothers and for most of us these dreams are realized naturally. For this is the Miracle of Life.

But - what about when that longed for baby never happens? When you realize that something is wrong and turn to professionals for help. Tests are done; treatments tried without success.

You traipse from one doctor to the next; resulting in more disappointment and fading hope. Your dream is shattered and the heartache is painful; almost unbearable. What is wrong with you? Is it your fault?

How are you lacking? Why? The questions are still desperately being asked.............but there are no answers. Slowly your conviction grows that your entirety as a woman is incomplete.

I am a woman and this is my story..............

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 228 pages
Click to order/for more info: INFERTILITY Road to Hell and Back

Stock photo by mproe
Fertile women want flirtatious menWomen in their period of peak fertility are most receptive to men with flirtatious faces, a British study has found. The study published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour found that men can vastly improve their chances of “picking up” by learning how to give the right facial signals, the Daily Mail reports.

In the study, a group of 16 women were presented with several animated male faces and asked to rate each image on its perceived flirtatiousness.


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Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: ow many women get pregnant after dhea, can you get pregnant with a fsh level?, how can i get pregnant at 42, can a woman have a biological baby at 45, pregnancy upto what age is safe
Simple Ways to Get PregnantPregnancy is the amazing moment and in fact it can be such a magical moment for most women. There are always some questions asking about ways to get pregnant or how to get pregnant fast. The basic answer to that question is that it depends on the ovulating days.

For couples who have been married and have many children perhaps they can predict their own best time to get pregnant. However for the fresh couples who are inexperienced in pregnancy it can be so tough for them to make their own calculation.


Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: can womwn have babys after 40 years old?, can i get pregnant at 43?, trying to get pregnant at age 49, can i get pregnant at 46, can she get pregnant at 44
Having a baby in the fertility mazeFor couples who need help to conceive, the services available have become a confusing array of medical, emotional, financial and - sometimes - legal options.

That's why a new specialty has cropped up: the fertility consultant. While a fertility specialist - or reproductive endocrinologist - is the physician who can make the science happen, a fertility consultant can help couples navigate the maze: what doctor to choose, which clinic has the best statistics and intangibles that can't be answered in a spreadsheet. A fertility consultant is part researcher, part consumer advocate and part sympathetic ear, among other things.


Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: can you get pregnant during menopause, until what age can a woman get pregnant, homocysteine infertility, melatonin pregnancy, women getting pregnant at 45
FertilityAuthority Giving Away Free Fertility Product Gift PackageFertilityAuthority wants to treat you. Why? Because it's the holidays and you've worked hard and deserve a little something. The holiday season can be a painful time for many couples struggling with fertility issues. It can heighten their emotions and remind them of their inability to have a child.

FertilityAuthority wants to offer hope. They are giving away a “Fertility Product Gift Package.” From December 7-24, just sign up for their free daily enewsletter, The Daily Shot, and qualify to win a host of fertility products donated by Fairhaven Health. The value of the package is over $500.

The package includes fertility supplements for men and women, a digital basal thermometer, aromatherapy candle, ovulation microscope, fertility tea, yoga DVD and a fertility monitor.

About - FertilityAuthority is the only web portal dedicated to fertility. FertilityAuthority encourages women and men to be proactive regarding their fertility and provides the tools and information to do so: best-of-breed content written by healthcare writers and journalists and vetted by reproductive endocrinologists, a robust interactive community of bloggers, columnists and message boards, a growing video library of patient testimonials, breaking fertility news, and a database connecting you to fertility specialists. Visit or find it on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.


Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: pregnant 40 endometriosis, can i get pregnant with low estrogen, can 40 years-old woman get pregnant, nstural ways to get pregnant at 45 years old, prgnant over 40
Women's Fertility: How (Not) To Make BabiesCosting thousands of dollars, IVF has quickly become an expensive alternative for women with fertility issues. Making waves in the fertility world, Dr Sami David is speaking out and encouraging people to get back to basics and explore traditional options. David is persuading women to identify and treat underlying causes of infertility instead of masking them.

On a recent trip to New York City, I met up with friend and author Dr. Sami David to learn more about his new book, "Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility". Co-authored with acupuncturist Jill Blakeway, the book offers traditional alternatives to in vitro fertilization, including acupuncture, dietary changes, lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques.

To learn more about Dr. Sami David, visit:

Image: Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility, by Sami S. David and Jill Blakeway. Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; 1 edition (August 12, 2009)Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility
by Sami S. David and Jill Blakeway
-- MAKING BABIES offers a proven 3-month program designed to help any woman get pregnant. Fertility medicine today is all about aggressive surgical, chemical, and technological intervention, but Dr. David and Blakeway know a better way.

Starting by identifying fertility types, they cover everything from recognizing the causes of fertility problems to making lifestyle choices that enhance fertility to trying surprising strategies such as taking cough medicine, decreasing doses of fertility drugs, or getting acupuncture along with IVF.

MAKING BABIES is a must-have for every woman trying to conceive, whether naturally or through medical intervention. Dr. David and Blakeway are revolutionizing the fertility field, one baby at a time.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 384 pages
Click to order/for more info: Making Babies - US | CDN | UK

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comStart reading Making Babies on your Kindle in under a minute!

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App.

New Cookbook Inspires Success For Those Battling Fertility IssuesAre you one of the millions of couples challenged with fertility issues and are desperately trying to conceive a baby? Do you understand the importance of diet in conception and what foods you can eat to optimize fertility?

The newly released cookbook unlocks the secrets to a "fertility diet" and is endorsed by Philip E. Chenette, M.D. and expert Medical Director of the Pacific Fertility Center. The Fertile Kitchen Cookbook teaches the importance of diet, what foods you can and cannot eat, how to shop healthy, and most importantly includes full color, easy-to-follow recipes that are simple and flavorful.

"I was devastated when I was told by a leading reproductive endocrinologist I had a two percent chance of becoming pregnant,"
says Cindy Bailey, co-author, The Fertile Kitchen Cookbook. "As a now proud mother I am excited to share with other women and couples how they can increase their chances of becoming pregnant just by changing their diet."

The Fertile Kitchen Cookbook
is not your typical cookbook. It offers simple recipes that make rigid dietary guidelines easy-to-follow. The cookbook additionally includes expert advice, dietary guidelines, tips on lifestyle factors for conception, cooking tips, flexible recipes to accommodate substitutions, and is an all-in-one resource for women trying to conceive.

This book is also for men experiencing fertility issues, men who want to support their partners, and cooks and non-cooks alike.
"With these recipes, you can't tell they contain no sugar, dairy or wheat, and that's the point!" says Pierre Giauque, Ph.D., co-author, The Fertile Kitchen Cookbook. "We don't want you to feel like you're on a diet."

Image: The Fertile Kitchen Cookbook: Simple Recipes for Optimizing Your Fertility, by Cindy Bailey and Pierre Giauque. Publisher: 3L Publishing (November 20, 2009)pixelThe Fertile Kitchen Cookbook: Simple Recipes for Optimizing Your Fertility
by Cindy Bailey and Pierre Giauque

-- Are you one of the millions of couples desperately trying to conceive a baby? Are you aware that diet plays a critical role in fertility? Would you like to unlock the secrets to changing your diet and potentially increasing your chances of success?

Co-authors Cindy Bailey and Pierre Giauque -- when confronted with Cindy's medical prognosis of a two percent chance of conceiving a baby on her own -- unlocked those secrets to develop a fertility diet that four months later produced a viable pregnancy, and soon after a healthy baby.

The Fertile KitchenCookbook includes a variety of simple-to-make tasty dishes that make the diet easy to follow. In this cookbook, the authors share these flavorful recipes, along with the dietary guidelines that helped them succeed. Additional tips and even a section on cooking basics, are included.

You will learn: The importance of diet in conception and pregnancy, what foods you can and cannot eat to enhance fertility, how to identify and shop for healthy ingredients and food items, how to prepare the nutritious and fertility-enhancing recipes included.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 185 pages
Click to order/for more info: The Fertile Kitchen Cookbook

Haunted by Reminders of Infertility in SummerIt’s nearly wintertime and dreary and cold outside. Once again the commute turns more complicated as we lug winter and rain gear on top of everything else. But as much as I miss the glorious warmth of summer and the freedom of getting around unencumbered, I am relieved when it ends so I am spared sad reminders of my infertility, of what might have been.

Summertime is a particularly trying season because women who are pregnant seem to be present at every turn. You see their tummies fan out in all their glory, you encounter them at stores or supermarkets or the beach, you see them happy and glowing. And you wish you were in their place.


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Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: until when can you get pregnant, i am 46 years old i never conceive, may i concieve now?, can 44 year old women get pregant, can i take soy isoflavones and clomid together?, menopause can you get pregnant
Predicting Ovulation and Fertility With Ovu-Trac.comOvumOptics, Inc., the makers of Ovu-Trac® Ovulation Predictor Kit, saw a need for a product that simplifies, identifies and explains the fertility process. The kit helps women increase their chances of conception, naturally, without medical intervention.

For years, Colleen Biggs, President of Ovum Optics, Inc., struggled with infertility. She realized she had to become more educated about her body and research her questions about fertility. After years of compiling reliable resources and information, she developed Ovu-Trac® in 1996. Her goal was to give women a valuable tool for
predicting ovulation, along with providing educational information to help them understand their bodies.

Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: azithromycin and sperm quality, pregnancy male 40, can i get pregnant if i am perimenopausal?, men having babies at 45, women who conceive after after 40
Photo by i_sabel
Hope for men with nonobstructive infertilityIt has been thought that men with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA), a lack of sperm in the semen not caused by an obstruction within the reproductive system, are poor candidates for IVF. Now, researchers writing in the open access journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology have shown that sperm from men with NOA and obstructive azoospermia (OA) are equally capable of producing embryos.

Nina Desai led a team of researchers from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation who carried out an in-depth analysis of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) using frozen sperm taken from the testes of 44 men with OA and 17 men with NOA. They found that, although fertilization rates were slightly improved in the OA group, there were no significant differences in implantation rates or clinical pregnancy rates. According to Desai, "The high implantation rate per embryo transferred and the resultant live births attest to the quality of embryos being produced with both types of surgically retrieved sperm".

In addition to evaluating the feasibility of NOA sperm, the researchers were also able to study paternal effect on genomic activation. One of the earliest morphologic indicators of embryonic genome activation is increased cell-to-cell adherence at the 8-cell stage, leading to compaction. Desai said, "Interestingly, we found that embryonic compaction was similar in all three groups. These results suggest that zygotic activation is independent of sperm origin and type of azoospermia".

1. Paternal effect on genomic activation, clinical pregnancy and live birth rate after ICSI with cryopreserved epididymal versus testicular spermatozoa
Nina Desai, Faten AbdelHafez, Edmund Sabanegh and James Goldfarb
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (in press)


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Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: can a woman get prgnant at 45 years old, 42 and trying to get pregnant, how likely is it for a menopausal woman to get pregnant, getting pregnant after 40, fertility in the over forty yars old woman
East Coast Fertility Aims to Build Families One Baby at a Time East Coast Fertility is attempting to dispel the notion that all U.S. clinics pursue aggressive treatments and send patients home pregnant with multiples. While they want to achieve a pregnancy for the patient, their priority is health and safety. In addition, they are mindful of the burden multiple births can put on a country’s healthcare system.

(PRWeb UK) November 30, 2009 -- Many patients and doctors in the U.K. worry that cross-border fertility care in popular destinations such as the U.S., Spain and Greece involve overly aggressive treatments. They feel standard practices abroad are not in line with their recommendations for treatment. However, the fact remains that couples struggling to start a family sometimes have no other option but to seek help away from their homes. This is especially true in cases where egg donors are needed to achieve pregnancy. In the U.K. there is a three year wait for donor eggs, while the wait in the U.S. is much shorter. It makes sense for couples to travel to get the services they so desperately need, but they often fear that they will be encouraged to transfer several embryos at once and risk a multiple birth.

East Coast Fertility is attempting to dispel the notion that all U.S. clinics pursue aggressive treatments and send patients home pregnant with multiples. While they want to achieve a pregnancy for the patient, their priority is health and safety. In addition, they are mindful of the burden multiple births can put on a country’s healthcare system. Dr. David Kreiner of East Coast Fertility reflects on the negative opinion that sometimes surrounds cross-border fertility care. “We want patients abroad to know that we share their concerns, and our goal is to help them build their families one baby at a time.”

ECF offers a Single Embryo Transfer (SET) donor egg program. They encourage patients to pursue this protocol by removing the financial incentive from transferring multiple embryos at once. Many patients feel pressure to succeed the first time because of the high cost of treatment, so they risk multiple births by transferring several embryos during an IVF cycle. The SET donor egg program removes this financial pressure. For the price of a single donor egg cycle, patients transferring one embryo at a time get free cryopreservation, storage and unlimited frozen embryo transfers until the patient has a live birth. Unlike other cross border destinations, patients in the U.S. can choose well-screened donors based on personal preferences. The increased availability of donors, the ability to choose those donors and the SET program at ECF offer British patients the highest quality of care combined with the ethics and approach that they have come to expect in their home country.

“We were surprised to learn that patients in Spain are unable to choose their donor,” says Pamela Madsen, celebrated fertility blogger ( and member of the ECF staff. “And we know it’s common in many countries to transfer 2-3 embryos during a donor egg cycle. We want patients to know we can offer them more options. ”

Dr. Kreiner and his team recently traveled to London to offer consultations to couples there who were thinking of seeking treatment in the US. “I’m glad we took the time to meet with these couples personally,” said Dr. Kreiner. “It gave us a chance to show them that we offer high quality treatment with high quality standards.” East Coast Fertility offers free phone consultations to patients abroad. For additional information, visit their website at


Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: how to get pregantn at 40 naturally, growing up with older parents, is it safe to have children in your 40, can you get pregnant at 40, up to what age can a woman get pregnant
New sperm and egg donor website launchesA brand new worldwide donor connection website has launched. Pride Angel is the first website of its kind to aim towards the gay and lesbian community and was founded by a lesbian couple who have first-hand experience of known donor conception.

The creators of this social networking connection site, forum and blog are also professional scientists who are committed to giving their users all the necessary health screening advice and legal contacts needed.


Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: up to what age can a woman get pregnant, can you get pregnant after 44?, 43 can i be pregnant, is 43 too old to get pregnant, can a 48 year old woman get pregnant with her own eggs
Stock photo by ctr
The researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology say “superwoman work-outs” can increase the risk of having fertility problems three-fold.

The study showed that younger women were more vulnerable to having such problems.

The researchers found that those who exercised most, a quarter couldn’t conceive during their first year of attempting compared to the national average of seven per cent. They suggest that extreme exercising deprives the body of energy needed for a successful pregnancy.


Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: having kids after 40, can a 50 year old woman get pregnant naturally, up to what age can a woman get pregnant, can an older woaman get pregnant, do women over 45 ovulate
Woman designs cards to build her familySALT LAKE CITY -- Kelly Treadway loves to design and she loves kids. It was her passion for both that prompted Kelly to start her own card company, Modern Blitz Designs.

But she doesn't design cards to build a business; Kelly designs cards to build her family.

"I sometimes look at the cards I make and think, ‘I wish that was my life,'" she says.

Will and Kelly Treadway met in October of 2003. They married the following year. Both wanted to start and grow their family, but the fairy tale future they imagined didn't happen.

In addition to baby announcements, Kelly designs adoption cards, which she gives to hopeful parents at half cost. You can check out her designs at and read about her adoption journey at


Life Begins... - Miscarriage stories of loss, hope & help
Pregnancy Stories by Age - Daily blog of hope & inspiration!
Stories of Pregnancy over 44 years old - sharing stories I find online, for inspiration!

Recent Keyword Searches: scared to have a baby as a 43 year old, chances of conception at 40, what is the oldest you can be to become pregnant, get pregnant high fsh, children when your 43 years old

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