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Exposure to combustion by-products linked to male infertilityA new study adds to the growing literature suggesting that chemical exposure may affect male fertility.

Men exposed to higher levels of combustion by-products had an increased risk of infertility, according to results from a study conducted in China.

A decline in male fertility has been observed in recent years, and some scientists have proposed that exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, such as PAHs, may be to blame. PAHs are a class of chemicals that are released in the atmosphere, soil and water as a result of the incomplete burning of a range of substances including coal, oil, gas, wood, refuse and other organic substances. These chemicals are classified as probable carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Researchers found that infertile males with abnormal semen quality (based on sperm concentration, number of sperm per sample, sperm motility and semen volume) had a 14 percent increase in median exposure to total PAHs relative to fertile men and slightly higher median PAH concentrations than infertile men with otherwise normal semen quality. Men with higher PAH exposure had a 53 percent increased risk of infertility than men with lower exposure.

The influence of the pollutants on infertility varied. Some PAHs had more of a risk of affecting the men's semen quality than others. Two in particular – called I-OHP (I-hydroxypyrene) and 2-OHF (2-hydroxyfluorene) – showed the strongest associations. I-OHP is one of highest measured PAHs in the US population and has been found in prior human and laboratory studies to affect semen quality at everyday exposure levels.

These results were obtained after researchers compared PAH residues in the urine of 513 infertile men with 273 fertile men.

It is however limited by the fact that exposure could not be directly determined. Instead, PAH residues in urine were measured, representing only a few days of exposure.


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Genes that switch-on the reproductive systemThe factors that control the beginning of reproductive life in humans have remained a fundamental mystery of biology. While the age of menarche in girls is influenced by environmental factors such as nutrition and athletic training, it is also partly controlled by genes according to a study by University of Western Australia researchers published in Nature Genetics.

The research, co-authored by UWA Molecular Geneticist Associate Professor Scott Wilson, analysed data from eight independent studies and identified for the first time, genes that are involved in determining the onset of menstruation in females.

The study of 17,510 women across eight different international populations included women of European descent. Their reported age of menarche ranged from 9 to 17 years.

Women were grouped according to the age they began menstruating. Using high tech 'gene chips', researchers were able to analyse DNA samples of the groups to look for similar gene codings and highlight the exact genes most likely accountable.

"The study contributes to an improved understanding of the processes involved in the onset of menstruation. In addition, knowledge about the mechanisms controlling this aspect of reproductive biology may also help inform us about disease of the reproductive system," A/Prof Wilson said.

Previous epidemiological studies have shown that early menstruation is linked to higher body fat and shorter stature. The effect on height is possibly due to earlier fusion of the epiphyses. In this latest research, A/Prof Wilson and colleagues, also found that of the 10 known genetic variants associated with Body Mass Index, five were also associated with an influence on the age of menarche.

"Another potential contribution of the research is improved understanding of the processes involved in adolescent growth and weight regulation," A/Prof Wilson said.

Commenting on the research, Professor Bronwyn Stuckey, Medical Director of the Keogh Institute in Perth, said, "The study identifies genes previously unknown to be associated with the age of menarche. Now physicians and scientists can better understand how processes like menstruation are initiated and can begin to examine the genetic versus the environmental factors involved. This research also opens the possibility of finding genetic influences on other aspects of the regulation of female reproductive cycles which affect fertility."

(Source: University of Western Australia: Nature Genetics: May 2009)

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Ground-breaking Infertility Study Confirms Laser Acupuncture Improves IVF Pregnancy RatesNorwalk, CT (PRWEB) May 28, 2009 -- Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut (RMACT) announced today the results of a recently conducted survey that showed the use of laser acupuncture performed both before and after embryo transfer during an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle, improves a women's chances of implantation by up to 15%.

Acupuncture is the traditional Chinese method of using pin-point thin needles placed at strategic "energy points" around the body to improve functioning and promote natural healing. Growing medical evidence indicates that acupuncture may improve a woman's chance of conceiving when performed in conjunction with IVF fertility treatments. Today, acupuncture is frequently used by women with infertility issues to help regulate menstrual cycles, reduce stress and improve blood flow to the pelvic area and uterine lining.
The study, one of the largest clinical trials ever conducted on acupuncture, had 1,000 participants who were randomly assigned to one of five study groups. The first group received traditional acupuncture, the second group received laser acupuncture, while the third or "placebo group" thought (along with the acupuncturist and physician) that they also received laser acupuncture. The fourth, relaxation group lay in a dimly light room with soft music, and the last group received no treatment at all. All treatments were administered for 25 minutes before and after embryo transfer.

"The results of this large prospective study are exciting in that they provide additional support in showing that acupuncture has a direct effect on improving fertility," said Amy Matton, a licensed acupuncturist at RMACT.
"Like traditional acupuncture, laser acupuncture uses low level light to regulate qi and help balance the body. Laser acupuncture is a viable alternative form of fertility treatment for people who may have a fear of needles."

"This exciting, first-of-its-kind study offers another tool to help couples achieve pregnancy, with only two painless treatments" said Dr. Mark Leondires, Medical Director at RMACT. "Our customized patient programs, personal attention, and leading research and technology, enable RMACT to provide each of our patients with the latest and most effective fertility treatment possible."
Currently, RMACT is the only fertility center in Connecticut to offer laser acupuncture. All of RMACT's licensed acupuncturists have been trained in the use of laser acupuncture. To make an appointment or to learn more, call (800) 865-5431, or email inquiries(at)rmact(dot)com

RMACT Fertility Clinic and Egg Donation offices specialize in the treatment of infertility. RMACT offers individualized treatment plans in a patient-focused and supportive environment. Fertility treatment support services, such as psychological counseling, acupuncture and yoga are also available. For more information visit


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An increasimg problem among TT men Male infertilityWHENEVER the issue of infertility comes up, most people assume that it is a woman’s problem. However, infertility is also a male problem, with increasing incidents among men in this country, according to Dr Bryan Woodward, Consultant Andrologist at the Trinidad and Tobago IVF Fertility Centre.

Dr Woodward said he has observed an upsurge in men with infertility problems at the clinic. The good news is, however, that the IVF Centre, with branches at 1B Rookery Nook, Maraval and Medical Associates, St Joseph, offers the latest fertility treatments for all types of male and female infertility, using revolutionary treatment options.

Dr Woodward can be contacted at the IVF Fertility Centres at Maraval or St Joseph or call 622 8869, or 622 6595 for further information. Interested persons can also visit the Centre’s website at , or

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Women head abroad for fertility treatmentThousands of women every year are leaving the UK to have fertility treatment abroad.

Women are walking away from NHS waiting lists, a shortage of eggs and sperm, and the relatively high costs of private treatment in the UK, according to a report in the Guardian.

According to a study last year by the charity Infertility Network UK, 76 per cent of those seeking fertility treatment would consider going abroad.

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Recent Keyword Searches: can you get pregnant during perimenopause, flax oil and sperm, missing period in late 40's, can i get pregnat at 43, how often has a woman of 48 concieve naturally
Pregnancy guru Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect Before Youre Expecting as well as the very popular, What To Expect When You Are ExpectingCo-anchor Julie Chen, herself several months pregnant, played "True or False" with pregnancy guru Heidi Murkoff, author of "What to Expect Before You're Expecting" , to dispel lots of myths.

# Eating oysters helps you get pregnant: True.
# Cough medicine makes getting pregnant easier: True.
# I can keep drinking coffee until I get pregnant: False.
# I can keep drinking coffee until I get pregnant: False.
# Men should wear boxers instead of briefs to promote fertility: True.
To read an excerpt of "What To Expect Before You're Expecting,"
click here.

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Whats The Safest Way to Go For IVFInfertility is not such a rare problem anymore. Of course there were infertility problems before but they never used to come to the fore-front due to people's lack of trust in medicine.

With increased levels of stress and lack of time dedicated towards one’s own body, a lot of us face the problem of infertility. Do you want to have kids and are unable to conceive? The reason might be male infertility as well. Despite of infertility, you still can have hopes of becoming parents? You still can experience the joy of giving birth, the feeling of bringing to life a whole new person.

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Here’s a wake-up call for anyone who thinks mature women don’t have to think about unwanted pregnancies.

Half of the pregnancies among women over 40 are unintended and 65 per cent result in abortion, said Kelty Moser, executive director of the Pictou County Centre for Sexual Health in New Glasgow.

Rising divorce rates mean more women in mid-life are encountering new sexual partners than in the past, and they aren’t accustomed to using condoms because the practice wasn’t taught when they went to school more than 20 years ago, Ms. Moser said.

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State biologists discovery could help solve infertilityA biologist at Wichita State University has made a breakthrough discovery about human reproductive hormones that scientists say could give women worldwide new hope in solving fertility problems.

Bousfield discovered a variation in a human fertility hormone that no one knew about before. And he is sure that the hormone variation acts in a way that might unlock secrets about human reproduction, and how to enhance it.

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More and more experts, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the American Academy of Pediatrics, are challenging the traditional nine-month timeline for having a baby by suggesting that it's time to add a few months to the whole baby-making process.

"These extra months aren't meant to be spent being pregnant, they're meant to be spent getting ready to be pregnant," writes Heidi Murkoff in "What to Expect Before You're Expecting." Murkoff and Sharon Mazel, authors of arguably the most popular book on pregnancy in America, "What to Expect When You're Expecting," have teamed again to bring couples a comprehensive guide to preparing and planning for a pregnancy.
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The Crozer Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility CenterThe Crozer Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility Center in Upland, part of the Crozer-Keystone Health System, has introduced “multi-cycle” package that charges $12,500 for two attempts and $15,000 for three attempts. The cost of a single attempt is $9,000 to $12,000 at most reproductive centers. Several tries are often needed to achieve pregnancy and insurance typically won’t pay for the procedure.

The strategy at the Crozer center is to “make the process of achieving a healthy pregnancy more affordable and, possibly, more successful for couples experiencing fertility problems.”

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Enzymes responsible for female fertility identifiedSan Diego, May 18: Researchers have achieved a major breakthrough in identifying the enzymes involved in ovarian function and female fertility. These findings will help in knowing the reasons for infertility in women and its treatment thereafter, say the researchers.

According to Dr. Joanne S. Richards, the lead author of the study and a professor of molecular and cellular biology at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) and UC (University of California), San Diego,“This finding could provide clues to developing new contraceptives and understanding infertility in some women with irregular menstrual cycles.”

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Ignorance of fertility patterns delaying pregnancy for many womenNot knowing where the highest chance of conceiving falls in the monthly cycle can delay conception for women planning a pregnancy, experts warn.

New research from Clearblue revealed that two in three women in the UK don't know that there is "only a small window of opportunity" during which conception can take place each month.

With more women putting off starting a family until a later age, an increasing number are finding difficulty falling pregnant by trying to conceive at the wrong time.

In response to the findings, fertility expert Zita West said that optimising your chances of conceiving by identifying the 'peak' fertile days each month could considerably increase the chances of pregnancy.

"Many of my patients have spent years trying to conceive naturally without success to the detriment of their fertility long-term," she explained.

"Knowledge is power, as a woman having the knowledge to optimise your chances of conceiving is the most empowering thing you can do in planning your pregnancy."

Image: Zita West's Guide to Getting Pregnant, by Zita West. Publisher: Thorsons Publishers (August 1, 2005)-Zita West's Guide to Getting Pregnant
by Zita West

-- A pioneer in the field of fertility, Zita West's programme is invaluable for couples trying to conceive.

Harley Street's most popular fertility expert, and favourite consultant to celebrity clients, guides the reader through a process of vital physical and mental preparation.

The book is for every couple trying to conceive and has fascinating advice taken from Zita's 20 years of experience as midwife and 7 years as an acupuncturist.

It provides a structured, easy-to-follow step-by-step programme, complete with case studies and and enormously detailed questionnaire.

The guide includes details on:
• when and how often to have sex
• what can prevent fertilization and conception
• everything you need to know about sperm and ovulation
• nutrition, supplements and herbs
• complementary therapies such as acupressure, lymphatic massage and hypnotherapy
• how to overcome stress and other emotional blocks to pregnancy
• PCOS, endometriosis and other health issues
• tests and procedures if there is a problem
• and much much more.

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more than 70 per cent of pregnancies to women over 40 unplannedWhenever you see an older woman with a baby are your first thoughts, "Oh, what a sweet grandbaby!" Ha! You better hold your tongue.

It's more likely one of two things: A baby who has been desperately awaited by a previously infertile couple, or a baby that is a surprise gift, as result of a menopausal missed call. The latter scenario is more common than you'd expect - more than 70% of pregnancies to women over 40 were not planned.

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Supplement Study Raises Hopes For Infertile CoupleA nutrition supplement may be helping women get pregnant. One in three couples has trouble conceiving, but some couples are having success with a supplement called Fertility Blend.

"It's important to be skeptical whenever you hear about some magical supplement that claims it's a cure for infertility, but in the world of there are no magic pills…there is a small study that shows this pill may help infertile couples get pregnant," said CBS4 Medical Editor, Dr. Dave Hnida.

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Infertility - Homeopathy can do wondersThe medical industry takes patients as machines that need to be fixed. Their approach can be best described in the words of a doctor who once told BBC, “You are deliberately setting out to create human beings and then destroying them.”

A homeopath, however, takes his patients as human beings and not as machines. The causes of infertility include a wide range of emotional and physical factors. Homeopathy believes in the individualization and gives primary importance to the fixing of vital force in the process of healing of an individual patient.

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Israelis alarmed by fertility findingsTEL AVIV- Wall Street giants are not the only banks hit by diminishing assets. New research for an Israeli sperm bank shows that depositors are 40 per cent less fertile than a decade ago, the Haaretz daily reported.

Scientists at Hadassa hospital compared sperm taken from Israeli men between 2004 and 2008 with samples taken in the late 1990s, and were alarmed by their findings.

The more recent samples contained 40 per cent fewer sperm cells than those taken 10 years before.

"It seems that the cause of the change is an increased concentration of oestrogen in the water supply," said Ronit Haimov-Kochman, who led the research.

"The soil is saturated with oestrogen and fruit or vegetables grown in it are also contaminated," Haaretz quoted her as saying.

Biologists found two years ago that male fish in an Israeli stream developed female characteristics after being exposed to oestrogen, but so far there is no sign of Israeli men suffering the same fate.


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acupuncture helped them to conceiveKelly Morton, 37, of Hagerstown says she and husband Jason wanted to give their daughter Meredith, 6, a sibling.

That’s when Morton says she read an article about how, for some women, acupuncture could help with fertility. She found Susan L. West of Acupuncture Associates in Hagerstown in the phone book. She says she saw that she was board certified and was listed under fertility. A friend who had acupuncture for her back also recommended her.

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Angels of Hope’s Creating Miracles GrantCOAL CITY – Even though it has been 10 months since her twins were born, Laurie Kwasigroch still looks at her sons in awe and disbelief.

Kwasigroch and her husband, Dusty, tried having a baby for five years. They tried with the assistance of fertility drugs and an intrauterine insemination procedure before applying for Angels of Hope’s Creating Miracles Grant. The grant helped them afford to try in vitro fertilization.

For more information on Angels of Hope, or to apply for either of the organization’s grants, visit or call (815) 634-8139.

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IVF with donor eggs less successful in black womenNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Outcomes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) using donated eggs vary by race and ethnic background, investigators said this week at the annual meeting of the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Chicago.

The research team, headed by Dr. Tarun Jain at Chicago IVF in Warrenville, Illinois, reviewed data on 29,948 donor-egg IVF cycles, and analyzed only the 60 percent of these cycles in which there was no indication that the donors and mothers varied in ethnicity.

According to the investigators' report, they found that "compared to white women, black women were more likely to have a failed cycle prior to embryo transfer, less likely to achieve a pregnancy, and less likely to have a live birth."

Jain and his colleagues said that the differences cannot be accounted for by disorders of the uterus or fallopian tubes.

There were no significant differences in IVF outcomes among Asian, Hispanic and white women, according to the report.


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Andrew and Kara Krauss have started at nonprofit organization Hope Is ... to help others who have suffered through miscarriages and infertilityIn the beginning of December 2006, Kara miscarried.

"It was the worst thing that ever happened to us," Kara said on their Web site

"I wanted to figure out a way to help because my heart just breaks for people who can't have a child," she said.

So, she and Andrew founded "Hope Is ...," a nonprofit agency geared toward supporting couples with infertility or those who have had miscarriages. They also raise funds to help couples seeking to adopt.

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